February 8, 2018

Growth Mindset Assessment

We are global leaders in online mindset assessment, having developed the first validated tool in partnership with Prof. Carol Dweck (Stanford University), Dr. Mary Murphy (Indiana University), and Dr. Katie Muenks (UT Austin). The Mindset Profiler is utilized by Fortune 100 companies in their mindset programs and is used daily across every continent.

Mindset Profiler

Our Mindset Profiler is the world’s most advanced online mindset survey, offering individuals deep insights into their personal mindset. Upon completion, you will receive a customized report within seconds.

Each report includes detailed insights into your mindset and evidence-based strategies for managing fixed mindset thoughts and behaviors.

Teams can access their collective results to understand how individual triggers influence team dynamics and decision-making.

Every growth mindset journey begins with personal reflection, learning how your mindset shapes your daily choices.

The Mindset Profiler identifies and provides actionable insights into eight key fixed mindset triggers.

Data for mindset assessment

Click here to create an account and purchase a Mindset Profiler

Mindset Profiler Link

Get in touch to learn more about our global leadership in mindset assessment