Microsoft CEO Nadella on Mindset

Microsoft CEO Nadella encourages learning He said that he encouraged his people to go from know-it-alls to learn-it-alls. “It’s a destination you never reach because the day you say ‘I have a growth mindset’ means you don’t have a growth mindset by definition,” he said. See the full article here:

CPA Australia Article on Growth Mindset and Career Progress

My Co Founder, Susan Mackie, recently spoke to CPA Australia about the importance of growth mindset in a career development. Having a grwoth mindset is about continuous learning and development. In an era where the half-life of a skill has reduced from 10 year to just 4 years and declining we all need to be Read more about CPA Australia Article on Growth Mindset and Career Progress[…]

Growth Mindset – Helping Women Identify as Leaders

Researchers at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business are interested in why Women are less likely to identify themselves as leaders in organisations and how to help close the gender gap im leadership. Why do women develop this view of their leadership skills? Contributing factors to this challenge include lack of supervisor support, Read more about Growth Mindset – Helping Women Identify as Leaders[…]

Forbes Magazine Article on Growth Mindset

GMI read an interesting article in Forbes Magazine about the shift from a “family culture” to a growth culture. They suggest growth mindset as a core element of the growth culture. It involves open communication about goal and career aspirations, removing ego from the process and adaptability. Find the article by following this link:

Microsoft CEO highlights growth mindset as an essential skill

Satya Nedalla is a recent inteview with the Economist was asked which skills were crucial for Microsoft employees. Among the skills mentioned we AI, Cloud Computing and Growth Mindset. See the original article here:

Embracing challenges future of work

Growth Mindset and the Future of Work

Read the latest research and information about how fostering a growth mindset can help future of work programs succeed. Click here for article. The research of Prof Carol Dweck (Stanford University) has demonstrated that a growth mindset is essential to a person’s learning and development.  In this article we explore how growth mindset interventions can Read more about Growth Mindset and the Future of Work[…]

Growth mindset parenting

Growth Mindset Parenting

Growth Mindset Parenting – A guide to developing resilient and adaptive children A Guide to Parenting with a Growth Mindset Approach Prof. Carol Dweck’s work on mindsets provides a useful guide for helping parents to raise more adaptive and resilient children. Dweck has spent the past several decades conducting research identifying two distinct ways in Read more about Growth Mindset Parenting[…]

mindset for kids, growth mindset athlete

Growth Mindset for young athletes

Professor Dweck, Stanford University, has worked with many olympians and world championship teams on how an athlete’s  mindset affects their performance.  In this post I explore why a growth mindset is so important to develop in young athletes. Many aspiring athletes focus on the result over growing their abilities. If they achieve early success they Read more about Growth Mindset for young athletes[…]

growth mindset leaders

Growth Mindset leaders have more engaged teams

Growth mindset leaders have more engaged teams Recent research by Prof Carol Dweck and her teams demonstrated that growth mindset leaders had more engaged teams and that a growth mindset culture lead to greater levels of innovation and integrity. In fact, growth mindset leaders were more likely to believe in their team’s potential and believe Read more about Growth Mindset leaders have more engaged teams[…]